Creative mentorship program

10 week intensive program for aspiring musicians

Unlock your creative potential with a 10 week intensive program designed to kick-start your music career. Each week receive 1 hour vocal coaching + 1 hour industry coaching - designed specifically for you.

In the Creative Mentorship program you will learn how to:

  • define your career goals and vision

  • uncover your brand and express your unique music identity

  • establish a clear social media presence on Instagram and Facebook

  • create a tight live set and organise and perform a memorable live show

  • Unlock your vocal potential for performance and learn essential songwriting skills.

By improving your voice and understanding the music industry, you will kickstart your career with confidence and clarity. 


Career foundations

The journey and the Destination

The Creative Mentorship is designed help you build the foundations of your self-managed career. Solid vocal technique, great songwriting and practical music business knowledge are key to enjoying a successful career in the music industry.

We start by bringing awareness to what holds you back and assessing vocal abilities, from which Laura derives a unique lesson plan for your vocal lessons so you can establish healthy patterns and create a strong voice with longevity.

We work to uncover your mission statement and start calving out a one year plan so you can feel clear about your next steps without feeling overwhelmed.

This is about enjoying the journey and using a destination to guide the way forward!


Branding and musical identity

Express yourself

Your music and sound is unique, but the world doesn’t know that until you tell them. We discuss how a name, design, symbol, and other features identifies your music as distinct from others so you can stand out.

We also discuss who your audience is, examine other artists and your role models, break down the musical landscape, and show you how to design your brand in alignment with your musical identity.

This is business branding 101 for musicians.


Social media accounts

Your face, your rules

Social media has allowed us to control and distribute our self image like no media ever before. It has a global reach and can make deep personal impact. Music is about gathering your tribe and self-publicising your truth.

We work together setting up or optimising your Instagram and Facebook accounts so these can be effective tools to share your music. We discuss engaging with audience, growing your online fanbase and conversions.


Live performance and event planning

Don’t put a sundial in the shade

The creative mentorship culminates in a live gig that you will perform and organise.  Laura will take you through everything that goes into creating a memorable live performance, so you can start sharing your music. 

Events are about connecting people and communication. In this component you will learn how to: 

  • book with the right venue & promote your gig well

  • prepare music for a tight 20 or 40min set

  • book rehearsal, the band and support acts

  • get the most out of your vocal performance & connect to your audience on stage 


Performer coaching

Ease, efficiency, effortlessness

Choose between vocal technique, songwriting or functional keyboard skills in weekly 1 hour performer coaching. Make consistent improvements to your voice and musical skills with the benefit of 10 consecutive lessons to take your music performance to the next level.

Improve your pitch, tone, range, ears, articulation, posture, and vocal tension so you can sing effortlessly.  Learn how to write a hit song with an impactful melody and lyrics that is complemented by the musical arrangement. Learn about diatonic harmony, common approaches to chord progressions and song structure, and develop your piano skills so you can play and sing your music live. Read more here.